Konference NVIDIA GTC 2019

Ve dnech 19. až 22. března 2019 proběhla v americkém San Jose Nvidia konference GTC 2019. Konference je zaměřená na nejnovější technologie Nvidie především v oblastech akcelerovaných výpočtů a umělé inteligence. My jsme se konference zúčastnili. Nejzajímavější postřehy a novinky naleznete v naší obrazové reportáži. Konferenci GTC tradičně zahajuje zakladatel a výkonný ředitel společnosti Nvidia, … Číst dál

NVIDIA AI Innovator Award 2019

We received the AI ​​Innovator Award for 2019 at NVIDIA’s HQ in Santa Clara during NVIDIA GTC conference today. We belong to the best NVIDIA partners Europe in fields of accelerated computing and NVIDIA DGX systems. Over the past year, we have installed over 70 of the most powerful NVIDIA Tesla V100 cards in the … Číst dál

NVIDIA DGX-2 at IT4Innovations

On Monday 4 March we delivered NVIDIA DGX-2 computing system to the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center at VŠB – Technical University in Ostrava. The system is designed to tackle the most challenging artificial intelligence tasks, delivering over 2 petaFLOPs of performance for AI researchers. The ceremony was attended by Governor of the Moravian-Silesian Region Ivo … Číst dál

M Computers is the Diamond of Czech Business

The project „Diamonds of Czech Business“ is organized by COT media, which, on the basis of its successes in the context of economic output, evaluates and then announces the most prosperous business entities in the individual regions of the Czech Republic. One of the main tasks of the above-mentioned company regarding the project is then … Číst dál

News from SC18 with IBM and NVIDIA

On Wednesday, December 19, 2018, together with colleagues from IBM and NVIDIA, we organized a seminar on Supercomputers and Infrastructure for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The seminar took place at the CIIRC Czech Technical Universtity in Dejvice, Prague, with presentations of experts from IBM, NVIDIA and M Computers. Below you can see some photos … Číst dál

IBM Power and Linux? YES!

The view of several areas of Linux deployment for IBM Power was described by our colleagues – Petr Plodík and Jiří Ševčík. Their article was published on Lupa.cz (only in CZ). You can read it here. News about the use of IBM Power processors in the Linux world has been around for some time. By … Číst dál

The M Computers team became Santa’s Elves

The M Computers team became Santa  and on 4 December distributed presents to the elderly in the retirement home Domu důstojného stáří in Brno. Christmas is coming, holidays of comfort, joy, and happiness. And we would like to share the joy of our good work not only to you, our dear customers and business partners, … Číst dál

Pictures from SC18 conference

This year’s Supercomputing Conference (SC18) was held in Dallas, and our experts Peter Dubnický and Petr Plodík could not miss it. This year was an important year for the International Conference on „High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis“ as it celebrated its 30th anniversary. The conference brought together top personalities, manufacturers and companies working … Číst dál

We were interested “WHAT´S IN A NAME“

We wanted to prepare something special for our customers and suppliers, so we decided to organize a unique cultural experience in the theatre performance form. Cultural experience for business partners Based on very positive reviews, we chose the staging „WHAT´S IN A NAME“ by the Municipal Theatre of Brno. This is a conversational comedy that … Číst dál