We wanted to prepare something special for our customers and suppliers, so we decided to organize a unique cultural experience in the theatre performance form.
Cultural experience for business partners

Based on very positive reviews, we chose the staging “WHAT´S IN A NAME” by the Municipal Theatre of Brno. This is a conversational comedy that premiered in 2010 in Paris. And how did we check during the evening “WHAT´S IN A NAME” was the right choice. Finally, more than 80 invited visitors, including M Computers employees, arrived in the theatre.
The stage play “WHAT´S IN A NAME” attracts audience, especially thanks to humorous dialogues and grotesque depictions of joy and distress in interpersonal relationships. After the theatre performance, we moved to the adjoining restaurant “Nekonečno”, where a small banquet was waiting for us. Also there was a space for communicating the impressions of the seen production. Through the atmosphere wafted a pleasant spirit, for which the band “Jazzycats“, whose music was tied up with the whole evening, is also credit.
What is the performance ” WHAT´S IN A NAME “?
The whole performance takes place in Elisabeth’s (nicknamed Babu), performed by Alena Antlová, apartment and her husband, Pierre, Viktor Skála. The couple invited Babu’s elder brother, Vincent, performed by Martin Havelka, his pregnant wife, Anne, by Viktória Matušová, and family friend Claude, by Jakub Uličník. During the evening, various topics are discussed, especially the name of Vincent’s expected descendant.

Vincent set a trap for attendees and tells them that he wants to name his son Adolphe. Everyone is beginning to “bombard” with sharp objections because of the connection with the infamous Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. His response, in the form of a good, but mocking joke, raises verbal clashes, chaos, and even a hysterical atmosphere. On the podium, a humorous, cruel, moving and smart game about men, women, and their relationships will start.