NVIDIA AI Innovator Award 2019

We received the AI ​​Innovator Award for 2019 at NVIDIA’s HQ in Santa Clara during NVIDIA GTC conference today.

We belong to the best NVIDIA partners Europe in fields of accelerated computing and NVIDIA DGX systems. Over the past year, we have installed over 70 of the most powerful NVIDIA Tesla V100 cards in the Czech Republic with overall performance over 8.7 PetaOPS (in tensor operations) and two NVIDIA DGX systems — DGX Station and DGX-2 system. NVIDIA DGX-2 installation on IT4Innovations in Ostrava was the first in the CEE region. Together with IBM, we are working on POWER9 technology projects with NVIDIA accelerators. For those interested in testing NVIDIA technologies, we offer NVIDIA Tesla V100 accelerators, Tesla T4, NVIDIA DGX Station AI computation system with four NVIDIA Tesla V100 cards and the IBM AC922 compute server with four NVIDIA Tesla V100 cards.

This year, we are planning additional NVIDIA projects across the CEE region.

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