Invitation: HPC & AI ACADEMY 2020

Be a part of NVIDIA AI & HPC Academy 2020! Let us invite you to the full three day training course by NVIDIA, focused on Artificial Intelligence and High Performance Computing development for NVIDIA GPUs. The course will be guided by three well-experienced tutors: Georg Zitzlsberger Dr. Volker Weinberg Dr. Momme Allalen When: 3rd February … Číst dál

RCI cluster delivery to FEL ČVUT in Prague

We successfully implemented another supercomputer in the Czech Republic — the RCI cluster at Czech Technical University in Prague, The Faculty of Electrical Engineering . A press conference and discussion on the RCI project took place today. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Information Technology of the Czech Technical University in Prague … Číst dál

NVIDIA Tesla T4 and Jetson Nano for testing

We finally got the latest products from Nvidia for testing — NVIDIA Tesla T4 and NVIDIA Jetson Nano. The NVIDIA Tesla T4 is a standard single-slot, low-profile PCIe card / accelerator with no additional power and with great power / consumption / cost ratio. NVIDIA Tesla T4 card is built on Turing chip and features … Číst dál

Konference NVIDIA GTC 2019

Ve dnech 19. až 22. března 2019 proběhla v americkém San Jose Nvidia konference GTC 2019. Konference je zaměřená na nejnovější technologie Nvidie především v oblastech akcelerovaných výpočtů a umělé inteligence. My jsme se konference zúčastnili. Nejzajímavější postřehy a novinky naleznete v naší obrazové reportáži. Konferenci GTC tradičně zahajuje zakladatel a výkonný ředitel společnosti Nvidia, … Číst dál

NVIDIA DGX-2 at IT4Innovations

On Monday 4 March we delivered NVIDIA DGX-2 computing system to the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center at VŠB – Technical University in Ostrava. The system is designed to tackle the most challenging artificial intelligence tasks, delivering over 2 petaFLOPs of performance for AI researchers. The ceremony was attended by Governor of the Moravian-Silesian Region Ivo … Číst dál

News from SC18 with IBM and NVIDIA

On Wednesday, December 19, 2018, together with colleagues from IBM and NVIDIA, we organized a seminar on Supercomputers and Infrastructure for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The seminar took place at the CIIRC Czech Technical Universtity in Dejvice, Prague, with presentations of experts from IBM, NVIDIA and M Computers. Below you can see some photos … Číst dál

News from GTC 2018


At the end of March, NVIDIA held the GTC 2018 conference (GPU Technology Conference) in American San José. Among others, novelties in the field of computing using GPU accelerators, machine learning, and AI were presented at the conference. Indeed, this year’s conference offered a lot of novelties. To those interested, we recommend watching the entire … Číst dál

From the Machine Learning Conference

We prepared a mini-conference on „machine learning“ for our customers, students and the general public together with IBM, NVIDIA and DNS, which was held on Tuesday morning, 24 October 2017.  The conference took place on the grounds of the CIIRC at the CTU.   Seventy participants had the opportunity to see presentations on machine learning and … Číst dál

We are NVIDIA Preferred Partner now!

M Computers s.r.o. has become the preferred NVIDIA partner for Accelerated Computing. We are the first in the Czech Republic We have become first NVIDIA partner for Accelerated Computing in the Czech Republic. Thanks to our partnership we gain access to the latest hardware, trainings, technical documentation, technical specialists or interesting promotions for our customers. … Číst dál