The Center for Advanced Aviation Technologies uses the M Computers solution

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HPC cluster at IOCB Prague

The Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS (IOCB) uses for its basic research supercomputers to perform calculations in the field of biophysics, focusing primarily on molecular dynamics and quantum chemistry calculations. In 2019, the Institute expanded its infrastructure with a computing cluster with a total of 8,532 processor cores. Computing cluster public … Číst dál

RCI cluster delivery to FEL ČVUT in Prague

We successfully implemented another supercomputer in the Czech Republic — the RCI cluster at Czech Technical University in Prague, The Faculty of Electrical Engineering . A press conference and discussion on the RCI project took place today. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Information Technology of the Czech Technical University in Prague … Číst dál

Intel has announced the new line of microprocessors

Intel introduced a new line of microprocessor chips for enterprise servers and cloud infrastructures on Tuesday. The new family of scalable Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors accelerates performance, increases security and efficiency. Intel announced that its new Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors (code name Skylake) are 1.65 times faster than their previous generations in common server tasks. … Číst dál

We are the only one in the Czech republic with the title Intel HPC Data Center Specialist

We can boast of having title Intel HPC Data Center Specialist as the only one in the Czech republic.We received this title for our technical knowledge in the field of High Performance Computing.


All companies which can boast of having title Intel® HPC Data Center Specialist had to prove excellent results in implementation of HPC solutions. This is the reason why these companies are a great choice for delivering yours HPC solution. We are glad, that we can be part of these companies. Thanks to this partnership, we have access to the whole range of valuable benefits and advantages from Intel what makes us different from competition and helps us to find better solutions for you.