Virtual charity run

We like to support projects that help others and therefore we did not hesitate and joined the Virtual Charity Run to help the elderly.

Even the present time has not deterred us from sports activities. Especially not from those who can support those who need it most in these times – our seniors. This participation in the VIRTUAL CHARITY NN NIGHT RUN project was the obvious choice for us.

This virtual charity run took place on 1st May and virtual was in the sense that the participants were sent a starting number to the e-mail or that you could ran out at night or in the daytime anywhere throughout the Czech Republic. This allowed us to participate in the project without being together. Proceeds from the charity run went to the Krása pomoci Foundation, which helps seniors who want to continue living in their home environment and can avoid institutional form of care. At the same time, this foundation also supports other selected non-profit organizations that provide support to the elderly.

The symbolic distance of this “race” was supposed to be three kilometers, which each of us deal with at our own way. Someone was aiming for the fastest time, and someone ran as far as his legs could. But the results do not matter so much, we were happy to do something good not only for our health, but also to contribute to the fundraiser.


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