NVIDIA AI & HPC Academy 2020

M Computers together with IT4Innovations, National Supercomputing Center, organized a four-day NVIDIA AI & HPC Academy event. There were also three full-day NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute training sessions during the academy.

Petr Plodík introduces NVIDIA AI & HPC ACADEMY 2020

The first day was presented by Vít Vodrák, IT4Innovations Director, IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center and its AI and HPC services for commercial and academic users. Axel Koehler from NVIDIA introduced NVIDIA’s latest technologies for artificial intelligence and scientific and technical computing. Subsequently, Lubomír Říha from IT4I spoke about specific projects currently being solved by the supercomputing center. At the end of the first day, a superbly commented tour of the Ostrava supercomputing center took place, during which the data center and current supercomputers were presented, including the latest NVIDIA DGX-2 systems (supplied by our company) and Barbora computing cluster equipped with NVIDIA Tesla V100 accelerators.


The NVIDIA Deep Learning Institution (DLI) training was held for the next three days, attended by 134 applicants from both the commercial and academic sectors. On the first day, participants learned how to implement common deep learning workflows such as image classification and object detection as part of the Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Computer Vision training. The following days, the training was focused on HPC and Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C / C ++ and Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with OpenACC, organized as part of the PRACE initiative through cooperation with a research institution from Bavaria – Leibniz Supercomputing Center (LRZ).

Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Computer Vision

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