In this week, we have arrived our first personal computer that is designed to solve machine learning and AI problems. It is a power-up machine that achieves 0.5 PetaFLOPs, thanks to the NVIDIA Tesla V100 32GB, the fastest accelerators today, cooled by an internal water cooling circuit. The NVIDIA DGX Station is also capable of operating in the office environment due to low noise level. Not only hardware, but also fine-tuned data center station software are great. NVIDIA confirms its words that it is not only a graphics card manufacturer for players, but also a leader in the field of problem-solving machine learning and artificial intelligence. You can read more about NVIDIA DGX systems on our site.
It is the first NVIDIA supercomputer in the Czech and Slovak Republics. Our NVIDIA DGX Station will be officially introduced on September 6 at the Future Port Prague conference.
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