The IBM’s 2017 Partner of the Year award

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The traditional meeting of IBM’s partners, at which their best business partners are awarded, took place in March 2018. The IBM’s 2017 Partner of the Year award was bestowed upon M Computers.

Michal Štěrba, M Computers
Michal Štěrba, M Computers

During the event known as the IBM’s Partner of the Year awarding ceremony, IBM, which is one of the world leaders in information technologies, regularly awards their best business partners of individual categories. M Computers won the 2017 IBM’s Partner of the Year award for its project ‘STG’. The 2017 IBM’s Partner of the Year award was collected by Mr. Michal Štěrba, the executive director of M Computers, during the award ceremony.

To us, this award is a proof that we have been supplying our customers with solutions and services of the highest quality over a long period of time,” Michal Štěrba said. “It is also a reward for the hard work which all our employees do all year round. Therefore, I would like to thank for this award not only to IBM but, above all, to our employees and customers,” he added.

Cooperation with IBM

M Computers is an important supplier of HPC (high-performance computing) systems for both commercial and non-commercial sectors. The company specializes in supplying high-performance computing clusters, large-scale storage solutions, servers, and data storage solutions. With IBM, the company has been in a long-term commercial partnership. Thanks to its closest cooperation with IBM, M Computers can provide its customers with complex and very effective solutions tailored to their current requirements and needs.


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